Last month, Judge Karen Gievers lifted a stay that banned smokable forms of marijuana in Florida. A three-panel Appellate Court called the ruling “an abuse of discretion.” The court disagrees with the ruling.
The court said that the plaintiffs “have not shown that compelling circumstances exist to support the order vacating the stay in this appeal,” Florida Politics reports. The court also says that the plaintiffs haven’t “sufficiently demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits.”
John Morgan has called for the governor to stop continuing and further court challenges to the ruling handed down by Judge Gievers. Morgan said via Twitter that, “This is not surprising and why it should go to the Supreme Court now. It’s not a matter of if, but when. SO why waste taxpayers’ money. Vacating a stay is impossible. This issue will haunt @FLGovScott in November when his ‘stay’ will be over!”
Morgan is also planning to start a fund to get recreational marijuana on Florida’s 2020 ballot.
Many thought this issue was over and done with – but it may apparently still have several more rounds to go.